



作为学生住校生,我们鼓励你维护自己在舒适和安全的环境中生活的权利, 符合UW-Eau克莱尔住房和居住生活学生规划中描述的居民断言指南.  The intent of these guidelines is to provide a 安全 environment for you to assert those rights, 同时也尊重宿舍助理作为大学雇员和学生寻求改善与其他学生关系的权利.

If you feel that your rights have not been respected because a Resident Assistant has pressured, 强迫, or inappropriately influenced you to attend or participate in a meeting, 校园活动, 或组织, 然后提供以下程序,允许您表达您的意见并寻求令人满意的解决方案.

1. 维护你的权利最合适的第一步是亲自向你的住宿助理传达你的要求或担忧. 这个非正式步骤的目的是为您和您的住宿助理提供一个开放和尊重的机会,以解决您的担忧,使您满意,而不需要采取更正式的行动.

2. If you are either uncomfortable in initiating direct contact with your Resident Assistant, or if the result of that discussion is unsatisfactory to you, then you should communicate your request or concern to your Hall Director. 再一次。, 这一步的目的是为你提供一个机会,让你满意地解决你的担忧. As a result of this discussion, you may request:

It is also possible that your Hall Director will determine that the incident 需要 formal action, and in such cases your Hall Director will file a formal complaint.

3. 如果你对与宿舍助理或宿舍主任直接接触感到不舒服, or if the results of the prior discussions are unsatisfactory to you, 那么您应该将您的要求或担忧传达给住房和居住生活副主任. As a result of this discussion, you may request:

It is also possible that the Associate Director will determine that the incident 需要 formal action, and in such cases the Associate Director will file a formal complaint.

注意:上述每个例子的一个关键原则是,鼓励您与相关人员非正式地解决您的请求或关注, but if you are uncomfortable with such direct contact, 你可以主动和另一个你觉得舒服的人(宿舍主任或住房和居住生活副主任)沟通.

If a formal complaint is filed, the following additional sequence of steps will be taken:

4. 如果你还没有见过住房和居住生活副主任讨论你的要求或担忧, the Associate Director of 住房和居住生活 will meet with you and, 如果合适的话, the Hall Director to review and discuss the complaint.

5. 然后,住房和住宿生活副主任将会见住宿助理和, 如果合适的话, the Hall Director to review and discuss the complaint.

6. 住房和住宿生活副主任将与您和住宿助理共同会面,进一步讨论投诉,并试图找到一个双方都能接受的解决方案.

7. If a mutually acceptable resolution cannot be found, 住房和住宿生活副主任将把正式投诉提交给住房和住宿生活主任,后者将审查投诉并从以下内容中做出决定:

    • there are insufficient grounds to support the complaint and, 结果是, 不会采取进一步行动, or
    • there are sufficient grounds to support the complaint and, 结果是, the Resident Assistant may be placed on (or continue on) probation, or
    • there are sufficient grounds to support the complaint and, 结果是, the employment contract of the Resident Assistant may be terminated.

In all cases, the decision of the Director of 住房和居住生活 is final.



请到 我的房屋入门网站 and compete the Cancellation Request.

When you completed the housing application, 你应该复习一下, 签署, and received a copy of the housing contract.




不符合西澳大学校董会政策的取消申请将被行政拒绝. Once a student is notified that the cancellation request is rejected, 他们可以通过我的住房门户网站填写取消上诉表格,一次性提出上诉, Application within 10 business days of receiving the cancellation request rejection decision. The appeal is made in writing only (not in person), 所以一定要做到完整, 描述性的, and thorough in the written appeal attach any relevant documentation at the time of submittal.


1. 上诉和证明文件将包括在我的住房门户网站的取消上诉表格中

2. Students do not attend cancellation appeal review sessions, which shall be conducted by a panel of Housing & 由宿舍司法委员会任命的宿舍生活工作人员和学生(当司法委员会开会时), 当会议结束时, 要求由房屋委员会听取 & 宿舍生活职员).

3. Students should submit the reason for the appeal in the form, being as complete and 描述性的 as possible. Supporting documentation is strongly encouraged, and is required for appeals based on medical reasons. 来自不感兴趣的人的支持文件比来自朋友的支持文件更受欢迎, family members or individuals with an interest in the outcome.

4. Medical documentation must appear on the provider's letterhead, and include the signature of the provider. 医疗服务提供者不应该简单地告诉董事会学生不能或不应该住在校园里. Information is needed as to why the student cannot live on-campus, and should include

 5. Cancellation appeals are typically not awarded for:


学生将在提交上诉请求后的10个工作日内通过电子邮件收到上诉决定的书面通知. The decision of the appeal committee is final, and there is no further level of appeal.


通过参与多样化的教育和社会体验,促进学生的学习和成功, and supports residents by providing well-maintained, 安全, 以及包容的社区.


住房和居住生活 is dedicated to creating a 安全, 公平的, and nurturing environment for all members of our residence life community. 

我们努力为各个层次的会员提供必要的技能,以激励个人成长, 推动社会变革, and be productive contributors to society. We achieve this through continued education, 识别, 并庆祝最终创造和塑造我们生活和学习经历的独特差异. Each individual has the right to feel welcomed, 有价值的, and included with appreciation for one’s age, 能力, color, 信条, 文化遗产, 种族, 性别认同或表达, 国家的起源, 比赛, 精神上的亲和力, 性取向, 社会经济地位, 退伍军人身份. Sharing a community where all serve potentially as teachers and learners, we uphold the belief that there is no place for harassment, 恐吓, 威胁, 嘲笑, or violence toward any member of our community.




